Everyday is cookie day

C is for cookie and cookie is for me. The Cookie Monster speaks such words of wisdom. Whilst he may now preach that cookies are a sometime food, in our house cookies are a sometimes food every day. Both Milly and SkinnyMan are mad about cookies. When I bought Milly home they both bonded over some simple choc-chip cookies. Now the simple mention of cookies and Milly is your bestest friend.

We have a new addition to our family.

To welcome our latest family member I decided it was time for the inner Cookie Monster to be released. So for the entire week we’ll only be baking cookies. Leave a comment if you have a cookie suggestion.

The end result- Spaceship Cookies.

What the photo doesn’t show is that these have a rounded base. I whipped up a simple cookie recipe and baked in a small tart/muffin tin tray. Before cooking I covered them in smarties. A M A Z I N G

Recipe for these cookies come from Picky Palate 

Happy Cookie Day !

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